The big bang theory alongside the steady state theory polarized scientist for decades with regards to the actual origin of this universe. The big bang theory, formulated in the first half of the last century, asserts that the universe began from one giant nuclear explosion. Einstein theory of relativity and Edwin Hubble expanding universe theory, together with the discovery of the overwhelming evidence of gamma radiation detected by the Hubble’s telescope proved beyond doubt that indeed the universe was born out of the big bang explosion. So what did the all-knowing told us?

Q21:30 "Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and earth were joined together in one unit of creation (the primordial atom) before we clove them asunder (the big bang)?"

All the atoms of matter created were packed into a singularity of infinite density with supersonic excited movement. Suddenly the primordial atom, in one giant nuclear explosion, caused the famous "big bang" and alas the universe was born. Matter begins to move away faster and farther away from the original point of explosion in all directions. Scientist, ranging from 12-17 billion years, variously estimates this event. After the big bang the universe was a fiery sea of radiation, the temperature drop to a billion degree. The fundamental building blocks of matter (electrons, protons and neutrons) condensed out of the sea of hot radiation like droplets of molten steel condensing out of the metallic vapor furnace. Particles moved erratically colliding with each other and sometimes colliding with packets of radiant energy. The first atom was formed, as more atoms were formed each exerts a small gravitational attraction on its neighbor. As God has already told us in chapter

Q41:11 "He said to it……. "Come ye together, willingly or unwillingly" they said "We do come in willing obedience

This cloud of atoms held together by gravity is the embryonic universe. Under the influence of this gravitational pull, the atoms at the surface begin to fall towards the center. As they fall, they pick up speed and their energy increases. The energy increase heats the gas and raises its temperature, when the temperature reach the critical point it undergo nuclear burning and the formerly dark universe is awash with a new light as the Bible said

Genesis 1:3 "And God said let there be light: and there was light"

The period of the initial gaseous state of matter, gravitational law acting upon it and the eventual explosion is the first day of creation. Two verses after the above God says

Q21:33 "It is he who created the sun and the moon. All the celestial bodies swim along, each in its rounded course"

After this powerful nuclear explosion, the Big bang, matter begins to move away from the original point of explosion in all directions at great speed. This event was estimated to have occurred between to 15-17 billion years ago, and up to date stars and galaxies are receding away at great speed. The fallout gas is mainly made up of hydrogen and helium and whenever it is sufficiently massive enough for gravitational attraction it begins to condense. As it continues to contract it became very dense until it triggers hydrogen burning which releases energy and shine brilliantly. Basically this is how the stars are formed. On the other hand planets were formed from the leftover of gases during the formation of stars. In our solar system, in the inner region (closer to the sun) where mercury, Venus, earth and mars formed, temperature was low enough that certain heavier elements such as iron and heavy compounds that make up rock, could condense out - to liquid or solid - and the inner region is too hot for light elements such as hydrogen and helium to be retained, these only exist at the outer region or periphery were temperatures were lower. That is why two of the planets, Jupiter and Saturn are mostly made up of hydrogen and helium and also dominant elements in Uranus and Neptune. Pluto being the furthest it is solidified ice. In the earth, the surrounding became the gaseous atmosphere and the surface became solid earth while the core became liquid fire (the molten crust or magma). The composition of the interior is occasionally being exposed to us by the act of God in earthquake or volcanic eruptions. Our blue planet is born with eight sisters. The planets closer to the sun have their Hydrogen - Helium envelops completely blown off, but those further from the sun still had some of the envelops round them. Two of our closest neighbors (and closest to the sun) Mercury, is a small planet not larger than the moon with mountains, plains and low-lying seas filled with dark lava. It is a desolate world battered by rocks from space, it is airless, waterless and certainly lifeless. On mercury the sun is unbearably close (an enormously scorching wheel of flame) as it crawls across the sky in one day that last three earthly months. During this long afternoon, the temperature raises to 800 degrees F and during the night drops to bitter cold temperature of about 300 degrees below zero. The reason for the sharp disparity between daytime and nighttime temperatures is because the planet lacks oceans and atmosphere. Planets farther away from the sun are extremely cold for us. Pluto, the farthest is about 400 times colder than ice. Even the position of the sun in the milky way galaxy, for being not very close to the center or farther away to the fringes of the galaxy, make our position the only habitable green zone so far known. God told us in chapter

Q25:62 "and he it is who has made the night and the day each following the other, for the benefit of him who desires to remember, or desires to be grateful"

Our planet was positioned at 93 million miles away from the sun. This positioning was no coincidence. Because it is at this distance, that together with the alternation of day and night that we benefit the exact amount of sunlight and heat necessary for our survival. Had it been we are closer or further from this point the normal average temperature on earth will change and that will have catastrophic effect on both plant and animal life. The alternation is also vital because if we were to experience continuity of day, then certainly everything on the earth will be burnt to death likewise were we to experience the continuity of night then everything will be frozen to death. God in his infinite wisdom calculated the exact position and timing of days and night. The earth travels at the speed of about 107,000 km/h with an atmosphere that includes the right amount of gases that traps the heat of the sun resulting in a moderate climate suitable for water to exist in a liquid form. The earth atmosphere plays a key role in supporting life as almost all life on earth uses atmospheric oxygen for energy in a process known as cellular respiration. The atmosphere trap radiation from the sun that is reflected from earth surface, if not radiation will escape into space and the earth will be too cold to support most forms of life. The earth interior, on the other hand, is responsible for the earth magnetic field, which is also vital to life as it shield the planet from harmful cosmic rays and from a steady stream of energetic particles from the sun known as solar winds. The earth acts like a giant magnet that is why the magnetized needle in a compass always pointed north. Seekers of true knowledge may ponder over this perfect design that pervades the universe and be grateful to the designer.



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