Before the emergence of life on this planet, God for 14 centuries has told us the existence of a different kind of creation, namely the Jinns (Genie). Present day scientist had been trying hard to establish the possibility of an extraterrestrial life. But up to date all they were able to is show the possibility of conditions to harbor life, even recently (February 2007) NASA Scientist has discovered a planet orbiting a star about 190,000 billion kilometers away deep in space. The star emits light that is about 1/4 of our sun's intensity, which enables the planet temperature range between 0-40 degrees. At this temperature water could exist in liquid form on the planet and theoretically life like our own could find the place habitable.

This universe, that up to date with all our technological advancement, could not determine its limit is too vast for us alone. Our solar system, which is only a speck in the order of our own galaxy, is several billion kilometers in diameter and the observable universe we know is roughly containing 2 Trillion galaxies. All things considered we are just occupying something less than drop in the ocean. God in the Qur'an said

Q15:27"And the jinn’s we created before man with fire of a scorching wind" 

Who are they? The jinn’s throughout history of human civilization are believed to be supernatural spiritual beings. All cultures have a variation of their own belief in the jinns. In the above verse God said they were created out of fire, we may well ask which kind of fire is he talking about? In surah Rahman he gave the answer

Q55:14 " From fire that is free of smoke"

Which kind of fire is free of smoke? Certainly not the ordinary earthy fire we know of. The only fire that fit this description is the solar fire because it is free of smoke and its heat and other properties are transported by radiation (the scorching wind). The Sun is composed of various things of variable characteristics ranging from light, heat, ultraviolet, infrared, X-rays etc. All of these exhibit unique qualities which if not properly understood could led people attribute these qualities as supernatural or spiritual, let me clarify with examples.

The heat energy is the fastest moving thing we know because light travel at 186,000 miles per second, the heat could cook any material as temperature at the surface of the sun begin from 5000 kelvin. The X-rays can penetrate almost all solid surfaces and the Infrared can penetrate dark objects and light them up and the Ultraviolet’s can penetrate materials and influence chemical reactions. Looking very carefully one could realize that all the qualities exhibited by the solar properties are echoes of what people associated with the jinns like the ability to move in great speed, transforming things they came into contact with ability to change into other things, cause disease or possessed bodies etc.

Science today is yet to comprehend many things not only because it is beyond its ken but because more data and research are needed. There are conventional and unconventional approach to many things, take for instance the infrared eye glass used by the military which could enable one to see clearly in pitch darkness, today this is very conventional but suppose one could be transported back in time, say 200 years ago, and shown to people of that time. What will they consider it? A technological achievement or miraculous feat? Today we consider whether forecast as part of our daily news, would people of the 18 century think so?

The influence of the Sun on our lives is beyond our present knowledge, consider the Aura or Halo of electromagnetic waves that surrounds our individual bodies, their fluctuations is mainly determined by the ejected energetic particles from the Sun. The Halo/Aura in turn determines so much of our personality and psycology, as there is natural cause of interaction between two body aura's which could be positive, negative or neutral. That is why sometimes you automatically like or dislike someone or something without any apparent reason because your aura's repel each other just like the magnet. One of the newest science, parapsychology, is now working hard towards the understanding of things that are not really empirical like clairvoyance, telepathy, pre-cognition etc. In conclusion we should understand that the Universe, our world and even our own bodies are controlled by powerful forces of seen and unseen forces or we can say science and spirituality. And there are several spiritual realities that our present knowledge in science is yet to catch up with.



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