Science itself or rather the scientific method, originally evolved from religion and religious thinkers. The Qur’an has taught us that the father of science was our ancestor and progenitor, Abraham, as God told us in chapter Q6:75 "So also did we show Abraham the power and the laws of heaven and earth, that he might (with understanding) have certitude" Abraham was the first to study astronomy and geography, he was depicted in the Qur’an as a great scientist, as he was always reasoning and asking questions. Whenever he was confused he directly asked the almighty to clarify. So during his lifetime he begins to notice a strange phenomenon as his specie (Homo erectus) were inter-marrying with their contemporary, the Lots people (Homo Neanderthals) and the resulting children were hybrids. He asked God for clarification as we were told in chapter Q2:260 "Behold Abraham said "My lord! Show me how thou give life to the dead" (God) said "Do you not then be...